Embodied Yin Yoga Classes in Leicester
Embodied Yin Yoga is a form of embodied yoga practice that combines the principles of Yin Yoga with the concepts of embodiment and mindfulness. Yin Yoga itself is a slow-paced style of yoga where poses are held for longer periods, typically three to five minutes or more. This approach targets the deep connective tissues of the body, such as ligaments, bones, and joints, and encourages the release of tension and stress. It also aims to improve flexibility and circulation in the body, particularly in the joints and connective tissues. This is the perfect practice for Leicester yoga practitioners to support their physical and mental health.

In Embodied Yin Yoga at U Fit Thrive in Leicester, practitioners are encouraged to tune into their bodies, noticing sensations, emotions, and thoughts that arise during the long holds of the Yin poses. This embodied yoga practice involves a mindful and attentive approach to the body's signals and needs, fostering a deeper connection between the mind and body.
Practitioners are guided to explore their inner landscapes with kindness and curiosity, without judgment or expectation. This can lead to a profound sense of grounding and being present in the moment. The practice can also involve aspects of meditation, breath work, and sometimes elements of somatic experiencing, which can help individuals process and integrate physical and emotional experiences.
Embodied Yin Yoga is often considered therapeutic, as it allows for an intimate and compassionate exploration of one's inner self. It can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with stress, anxiety, chronic pain, or trauma, as it provides a safe space to explore and release deep-seated tensions and emotions.
Work with the Best
Our personal trainers bring together decades of experience and a wide variety of skills and expertise to the studio. Working as a seamless team they create a holistic journey for our members from walking through the door to reaching your goals.